Něco málo z historie lyžování ve Vysokých Tatrách. Historicky je zobrazeno také Valašsko včetně Soláně, která je přezdívána za Valašský Semmering.
A viewpoint peak 1905 meters above ski resort Zare Lazaresvski in Macedonia

Even though a nameless peak above Mavrovo ski resort appears small compared to surrounding 2000 m giants, it offers an opportunity for a quick skialp trip, completing skiing activities in Mavrovo. Just finish your skiing an hour or two before closing the resort and you can make at least one downhill.
PF 2015

Everything best in the 2015, a lot of snow, especially powder, and as perfect as possible weather conditions in the mountains…
A snow avalanche in BC at Dhaulagiri (8167 m) had killed Ján Matlák and Vladimír Švancar

A lot of fresh snow in the last few days in Himalaya had caused a lot of huge avalanches. One of these avalanche was self-released in the central Nepal in the are of the seventh highest peak Dhaulagiri at 10.30 p.m. in Oct 14th. The debris of this avalanche had covered base camp of the Slovak-Czech skialpinism-climbing expedition Dhaulagiri 2014.
Ski Kamchatka 2013 - first ski descend from volcano Bakening (2278 m)

First days of May during the trip Ski Kamchatka 2013 – overview of our activities in April-May 2013 we spent in the area of volcano Bakening (2278 m). According to known sources, we were the first skiers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia in this area. We reached the summit in a group of eight people and followingly skied down.
The eight-day thorough testing of the binding Dynafit BEAST in Macedonia in March 2013

During the trip Skialp & freeride with Naboso in Macedonia, March 1–10, 2013, I was testing excellent set that consists of skis Dynafit Huascaran (length 186 cm, 135–114–124 mm) with new freeride DIN 16 binding Dynafit BEAST and shoes Dynafit Mercury. Results of practical usage of Dynafit BEAST are here.
Ski Kamchatka 2013 - short videos by Pažout
Pažout (www.horolezci.cz) had used his mobile phone during our skialpinism trip Ski Kamchatka 2013 – overview of our activities in April-May 2013 mostly for taking videos. First short videos are here.
Overview of the winter season 2012-2013

Marie did a nice overview of her activities in the mountains during the last year (Děvče z hor – Bilance roku 2012), so I try shortly to do the same with the winter skialpinism and ski season 2012–2013. I was skiing on three continents and in April skied first in Canada and then in Kamchatka-peninsula. This winter was just excellent!
Ski Kamchatka 2013 - overview of our activities in April-May 2013

We have returned from excellent skialpinism trip (April 25 – May 12) to Kamchatka-peninsula in May 12. From the skiing point of view the trip was excellent, as we did not use ski boot only during our departure back to Europe in May 12. Besides the fact, that the weather was not mostly pleasant, we succeed with four higher active and non-active volcanos, and with many smaller peaks. Some results: probably the first skiing from volcano Bakening (2278 m), Slovak men & women first skiing + Czech women first skiing from volcano Korjakskij (3456 m), etc. The trip was prepared by MountainSki.cz & Společnost Medici.
Heliskiing & heli asisted skitouring in British Columbia in April 2013

We have been in British Columbia, Canada, from March 28 to April 8O. We stayed at CMH Galena lodge, where our task was to do heliski & heli asisted skitouring. Why CMH Galena lodge? -„Challenging terrain for strong, experienced skiers & boarders only“. We can confirm, that terrains are perfect there. This trip was supported by Společnost Medici.