We have been in British Columbia, Canada, from March 28 to April 8O. We stayed at CMH Galena lodge, where our task was to do heliski & heli asisted skitouring. Why CMH Galena lodge? -„Challenging terrain for strong, experienced skiers & boarders only“. We can confirm, that terrains are perfect there. This trip was supported by Společnost Medici.
Excellent skiing just above rocks – heliskiing from CMH Galena lodge
A week long heliskiing & heli asisted skitouring (Fusion week) we managed Miki Knižka, who is the official partner of CMH Heli-Skiing for Slovakia and Czech Republic. Our stay in British Columbia was perfect, we changed heliskiing and heli asisted skitouring on daily basis. Petr „Žrout-Svižník“ Novák and I did also a short climb almost 1100 alittude meters near Galena lodge.
CMH Galena Home 2012 video, others are skiing & snowboarding at the same timeTerrains operated from Galena lodge are excellent both above the tree line and in the steep forests. We had quite a lot of snow evenwhen in April – minimum something like 3 meters. Avalanche danger was at 4 in two last days as a result of new heavy snow fall, i.e. new avalanches were almost everywhere. Besides that, our guides were really great and they managed to find perfect steep terrains, where there was possible to release just small slabs.
There were fresh avalanches from time to time (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
A trip with CMH Heli-Skiing is highly recommendable – doesn't matter what's actual conditions, we had been skiing all the time at freshe open slopes and in steep forests, skitouring can consist of many shorter ascends and descends (up to 500 m) or of several mid ascends and descends (up to 900 m). There are several photos for motivation here, we are working on video and more details.
Our helicopter in the air, slopes behind are covered by avalanches (CLICK TO
Let's go for powder (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Helicopter is landing to take up other group… (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Strong Czech group – we should not be at skimountaineering race when
skinning up… (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Apres ski at Galena lodge, just relaxation after heliskiing or heli asisted
skitouring (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
The first skitouring ascend in Canada – just below the pass (CLICK TO
Gabo and Petr during the ski descend with almost 900 m elevation difference
Petr in the lower part of circa 900 m ascend (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Skinning up to the rocks – Petr, Gabo, I and just behind me Joshua
Skitouring in British Columbia (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Alexis run – skied by us just a day ago (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Gabo is relaxing during the downhill (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Gabo and Rebecca during other climb (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
A small refreshment in the shadow below cornice in BC (CLICK TO
Colleagues from France during excellent skiing starting just below cornice
Joshua on the way down (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Apres ski at CMH Galena lodge – Bikini party (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
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