Kamchatka - on cross country and downhill skis in bikiny

During the trip Skialpinistická Kamčatka 2009 – přehled výsledků a ohlasů and ideal weather: sun, nowind, 2–3 meters of snow we met on the road from volcano Viljučinskij (2173 m) several couples on cross-country skis with partially removed dress. Trip to Kamchatka was supported by KAMA, Voda hory, Tilak, Quill-outdoor, www.lacnyskialp.sk and Baston.

Spring climb near Termalnyj
Spring climb near Termalnyj

Pack dress to backpack and continue
Pack dress to backpack and continue

Backpacks are full
Backpacks are full

End zones of avalanches on background
End zones of avalanches on background

Cross-country skiers next to snow road
Cross-country skiers next to snow road

Classic style in valley of river Paratunka
Classic style in valley of river Paratunka

Do not turn and go!
Do not turn and go!

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  1. Anil kundalia - 11 May 2010, 18:14 #

    Dear Jan Pala,

    Thanks for sharing the site info.
    Looks adventurous and exciting.

    Nice Photos…


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