Swiss freeride ski company Movement is not necessary to introduce to majority of skialpinists and freeriders, as Movement Skis are already famous worldwide. There are still overview of skis 2008–2009 on the Movement internet pages, whereas there are new models in printed catalogue for season 2009–2010.
Internet pages Movement still present skis for 2008–2009
Going through the catalogue I had found that my favourite skis Movement Demon Flame, which I bought in April 2008 – V Pyrenejích pořízeny nové lyže Movement Demon Flame – is for 100% over. For new season 2009–2010 there are 10 new models, whereas other models have changed design and construction.
Skis Movement Iki for 2008–2009 were completely green
Movement skis offer six different constructions with wooden core. There is not possible to find foam as core of skis. Most of skis have great graphic design which differ from all standards.
First page of catalogue Movement for winter 2009–2010
I am mostly interested in skialpinism and minimally pistes, I looked through catalogue only for skis with ratio offpiste – piste 80:20 to 90:10. Among these models there are best two for me Movement IKI and Movement Red Apple 74. And winner is Movement IKI, which I had possibility to use practically with new binding Diamir Eagle suring skialpinism trip to Kamchatka (Skialpinism at Kamchatka 2009 – list of articles, photos and results). I will write here soon first experience with Movement Iki 2009–2010 after 12 ski days at Kamchatka.
Catalogue Movement is full of apples
Construction of skis Movement
Standard skiers with demand for excellent skis for skialpinism or freeride will choose from wide spectra of different Movement skis without any problem. There is also special models for girls.
Movement Iki 2009–2010
Something at the end
I highly reccommend skis Movement after practical and hard experience with Movement Demon Flame and Movement Iki as ideal sksi for skialpinism and freeride.
All models Movement for winter 2009–2010
I am a College student from New Zealand and are currently doing a study on movement of text in graphic design. This includes product design as well as advertising/web desgin. I was impressed by the website and product design on your website, and was wondering if i could get in touch with one of the designers involed to ask some questions about the work?
Tiffany Wood