Meeting of travellers CK Alpina 2010 in Jedovnice - presentations, competitions and parties

10th Meeting Setkání cestovatelů 2010 organized by CK Alpina was in Jedovnice near Brno from Oct 1st to Oct 3rd 2010. After previous meetings in Větrný Jeníkov and Polička it was for the first time in the normal cinema hall, whereas all other evening actitivities were in cultural hall.

Introduction slide from presentation about skialpinism and snowboarding in Írán
Introduction slide from presentation about skialpinism and snowboarding in Írán

2009 V Poličce se 23.-25. 10. setkala CK Alpina a výletníci
2007 Promítání na podzimním setkání cestovatelů Alpina 2.-4. listopadu 2007
2006 Promítání na setkání CK Alpina 2006

The last slide from presentation about skialpinism and snowboarding in Írán
The last slide from presentation about skialpinism and snowboarding in Írán

Lake in Jedovnice
Lake in Jedovnice

One of streams during 20 km long walking
One of streams during 20 km long walking

Program Setkání cestovatelů 2010

18:00 Martin Mitáš – Podkarpatská Rus
19:00 Marek Šanca – Fanské hory – svět pětitisícovek
20:00 Zdeněk Spíšek – Skandinávie – země Sámů
21:00 Pavel Juřica – Japonsko – země vycházejícího Slunce
22:00 Dostálová Jitka – Norsko
23:00 Pacholík Dany – Mongolskem na koni

18:00 Aleš Bajer – Čína
19:00 Zdeněk Spíšek – Kostarika – Zapomenutý ráj
20:00 Jan Vlasák – Mexiko – Po stopách krvelačných Aztéků
21:00 Vyhlášení výsledků fotosotěže „Odvážnému Starobrno přeje“
21:30 Jan Pala (Palič) – Skialp a snowboad na Damavandu a čtyřtisícovkách v Iranu
22:30 Pavel Kohodál Hodál – Indie: Kašmír a Ladakh
23:30 Blanka Herčíková – Kavkaz

The same stream from other side
The same stream from other side

Next Setkání cestovatelů will be probably in Jedovnice in October 2011 again.

Special car of Česká asociace horských průvodců was somehow broken
Special car of Česká asociace horských průvodců was somehow broken

Explanation of conditions for competition Jedovnický drsoň in the front of the cinema in Sunday's morning
Explanation of conditions for competition Jedovnický drsoň in the front of the cinema in Sunday's morning

Team parrots during pre-start preparation
Team parrots during pre-start preparation

Before start of running part
Before start of running part

Start! The leader is Vašek
Start! The leader is Vašek

All were fast at the beginning
All were fast at the beginning

Runners spread out
Runners spread out

Parrot Rosťa documenting starting and ending girls
Parrot Rosťa documenting starting and ending girls

He finished running among the first runners, but his bicyclist dissapeared somewhere
He finished running among the first runners, but his bicyclist dissapeared somewhere

Opinion after running was quite clear
Opinion after running was quite clear

Rosťa is getting warmer before start
Rosťa is getting warmer before start

Fanclub of Parrots made such a nice poster
Fanclub of Parrots made such a nice poster

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