Celebration of Vseta's birthday with night skiing on Saturday and snow skiing on Sunday

On the weekend 11th to 12 December 2010 Všeta arranged celebration of his almost anniversary birthday (note, Všeta will be only 25 next year, not 30 years old). As stated in an invitation to his celebration, this year it was just draft version, next year will be full party. The celebration was held at Certik's hut at an altitude of about 830 meters above sea level above the valley Tisňavy at the end of Velké Karlovice.

This is me skiing down, headlamp is switched off, because it would only disturb
This is me skiing down, headlamp is switched off, because it would only disturb

We went from Klecany on Saturday morning due to a „calamity“ (at least for most of the media and many drivers who underestimated the situation), snow conditions. On the journey on D1 to Brno and then to Hranice we passed a number of different cars scattered around the highway. Guys responsible for cleaning highways obviously asleep again and they told themselves that if the Saturday, there is no need to clean the highway.

Veronika just landed on a bob-sled
Veronika just landed on a bob-sled

In Valasske Mezirici we loaded younger Bruder and went to Tisňavy valley, where we met the rothers. Only our group had skis (Lenka, Bruder Libor and I), while from the others the only Všeta had snowboard. We got to the cottage on skins (others on feet were faster), Bruder went ahead and the rest of us just relaxed in the cottage with the first brandy.

I was not so fast, but Čertík was slow when taking pictures
I was not so fast, but Čertík was slow when taking pictures

We waited up until late into the night, when we installed behind the cabin 500 W lamp above the slope and we deployed there several torches. The truth is that the surface was not ideal, since before the snowfall, in last two days all the snow was washed by strong rains. Fresh snow was about twenty centimeters, which is more than enough. I just had not put into the ski base repair service to …

Zajezdilo se výborně jak na lyžích (Lenka, Libor, palič), tak na snowboardu (Všeťa a Verča). Ani nevím, kdy jsme skončili a zapadli opět dovnitř.

Lenka on the off-piste
Lenka on the off-piste

Somebody probably fell down…
Somebody probably fell down…

…and it was Všeťa on snowboard
…and it was Všeťa on snowboard

Smiling Všeťa after one of many falls
Smiling Všeťa after one of many falls

Libor completely in black on skis
Libor completely in black on skis

Všeťa in fire-dance
Všeťa in fire-dance

Preparation for winter is excellent
Preparation for winter is excellent

Chuckie Vaněc in a perfect historical sport dress – he weared also Okula glasses
Chuckie Vaněc in a perfect historical sport dress – he weared also Okula glasses

Part of our group on Sunday's morning
Part of our group on Sunday's morning

Traverse to the beginning of skiing
Traverse to the beginning of skiing

This skilift is probably out of work
This skilift is probably out of work

We were able to see Vsetín's mountains for a minute – before the snowing started again
We were able to see Vsetín's mountains for a minute – before the snowing started again

Libor  on the slope
Libor on the slope

Short traverse and nice downhill again
Short traverse and nice downhill again

We took off skis next to buildings below us
We took off skis next to buildings below us

Left trace is mine, Libor on the right, upper part of Machůzky ski center
Left trace is mine, Libor on the right, upper part of Machůzky ski center

Lenka in strong snowing in lower part of Machůzky ski center
Lenka in strong snowing in lower part of Machůzky ski center

Last part of skiing in Machůzky ski center
Last part of skiing in Machůzky ski center

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