At last skiing behind our houses - Pustevny, February 5, 2010

We waited a long time, but it happened to. At Prague was snowing long time ago, but we in the Beskydy mountain haven’t this lucky this year utill now. The last weekend I and Tom (čertík bertík) made some alpine touring, it was quite good except for the fact that it wasn’t much snow, and sticks was everywhere. Tomas skis know‘s aboute that… We are thinking aboute next time, because if this type of winters will continue we will must take to trip a saw and ax.

How to jump on skis 360, 540 and 720 degrees

Are you already bored with classic skiing with seldom interspercing with straight jumps? Do you want to learn how to jump 360 degrees on skis? It is very easy and it is possible to jump such 360 deg jump also in freeride, see: Všeťa helikoptéroval ve Vysokých Tatrách and not only in snowpark.

Saturday's skialpinism at Chopok for 22 EUR

Last Saturday in March we have decided again in Vratna dolina, that we will continue to farther Chopok. We took seats in our car and our group continue with pleasant singing to Nizke Tatry. We hope for better skiing conditions. We bought all day ticket for lifts – 22 EUR and we enjoyed great offpiste skiing. Girls weared avalanche beacons with some protests, but beacons were for nothing as almost half of slopes were closen due to bad weather conditions in Jasna.
